- genetic research
- генетическое исследование
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Genetic engineering — Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, genetic modification/manipulation (GM) and gene splicing are terms that apply to the direct manipulation of an organism s genes. [cite web url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Genetic%20engine… … Wikipedia
Genetic averaging — is a the notion that people of European descent are in some way a genetic average of people of Sub Saharan African descent and people of East Asian descent. It is promoted by J. Phillipe Rushton. Some argue that the genetic research Rushton cites … Wikipedia
genetic marker — n. any allele or gene associated with a specific chromosome and used in genetic research, as in the identification and location of the other genes in a linkage group … English World dictionary
Genetic history of the British Isles — Population research using DNA is initiating research into the genetic history of the British Isles. Genetically, the population native to the British Isles is closely associated with the larger region of Western Europe, and in particular with the … Wikipedia
genetic disease, human — Introduction any of the diseases and disorders that are caused by mutations in one or more genes (gene). With the increasing ability to control infectious and nutritional diseases in developed countries, there has come the realization … Universalium
Genetic origins of the Turkish people — The migrations of Turkic speaking groups in Anatolia was a shift in language barrier between Altaic languages and Indo European languages. The nature of this exchange has been subject of long debates by the scientists. Anatolia and the medieval… … Wikipedia
genetic — ge|net|ic [dʒıˈnetık] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: genesis] relating to ↑genes or ↑genetics ▪ genetic defects ▪ each person s genetic make up ▪ genetic research >genetically [ kli] adv ▪ genetically determined characteristics … Dictionary of contemporary English
research and development (R&D) — In industry, two closely related processes by which new products and new forms of old products are created through technological innovation. The work generally focuses on two types of research, basic and applied. Basic research is directed toward … Universalium
Genetic testing — (also called DNA based tests) is among the newest and most sophisticated of techniques[1] used to test for genetic disorders which involves direct examination of the DNA molecule itself. Other genetic tests include biochemical tests for such gene … Wikipedia
Genetic discrimination — occurs when people are treated differently by their employer or insurance company because they have a gene mutation that causes or increases the risk of an inherited disorder. People who undergo genetic testing may be at risk for genetic… … Wikipedia
Genetic pollution — is undesirable gene flow into wild populations. The term is usually associated with the gene flow from a genetically engineered (GE) organism (or genetically modifed organism GMO) to a non GE organism; [… … Wikipedia